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APS Election Results

Incumbents, where available, won in the biennial elections for the largest stamp society in the U.S.

[Note: Candidates in bold are VSC members]

Here are the results of the 2005 American Philatelic Society elections:

President: Janet Klug 4326

Vice Presidents (1 slate elected):
Ada M Prill, George T. Fekete, Alan Parsons 2563
Ernest E. Fricks, Alan Warren, Stephen Washburne 1888

Prill and Fekete were incumbents, but slate-mate Ken Lawrence decided not to run for re-election. "I have never run for re-election to any office as an incumbent. That isn't a matter of principle, but it is a logical outcome of my general attitude. Speaking personally, I try to accomplish as much as I feel is essential in the term for which I was elected," Lawrence said after the election in the VSC message board.

Washburne was an incumbent Director-at-Large, but had reached his limit of two terms in that post. He has served previously as an APS vice president.

Secretary: Wayne Youngblood 4336

Incumbent Lloyd A. de Vries had reached his limit of two terms in that post.

Treasurer: Nicolas G. Carter 4334

Directors at Large (4 elected):
David L. Straight 2792 Peter Martin 2717 John B. Flannery 2681 Wade E. Saadi 2335

Jeffrey N. Shapiro 1988 Steven Zwillinger 1947 Matthew Liebson 1922 Incumbent Stephen Washburne, as noted above, had reached his limit of two terms in that post. Incumbent Ron Lesher decided not to run for another position.

Library Trustee (1 elected): Roger G. Schnell 1742 Larry D. Sall 1409 Dennis R. Gilson 1206

Kenneth Grant was re-elected to the APRL board by the founders and patrons.

All bylaw amendments passed.

Discussion can be found in our message board, including thoughts about the low voter turnout.

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