Canada Post Takes Off In September
September 4, Canada Post issues a sheet of 16 stamps to honor the Royal Canadian Air Force's 75th anniversary. The aircraft shown mark significant
milestones in the development of Canada's air force. (Click pictures for a larger view)
Also on September 4, Canada Post issues a miniature sheet of four stamps
commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Canadian International Air Show,
which has thrilled audiences with dazzling aeronautical displays for half a
century. Five photos are combined "to form a tableau that makes full use of
the sheet, crossing the borders from one stamp to the next," says Canada
Canadian performers are among the 68 subjects in The Millenium
Collection, a controversial hard-cover book being issued by Canada Post
September 15. At first, the stamps were only going to be available as part
of the expensive book. Now, versions will be issued in 17 souvenir sheets
of four stamps each on January 17, 2000. Shown here are [top row]
bandleader Guy Lombardo, classical pianist Glenn Gould, [bottom row]
singer/songwriter/poet/playwright Felix Leclerc and operatic contralto
Portia White.
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