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Sweet Vindication
The Stamp Collecting Report, I'm Lloyd de Vries.
It's the stuff stamp collectors dream of. Years ago, Las Vegas casino dealer Denny Moreau
bought a large box of used stamps, all similar.
#1 "We call them 2-cent Reds. They're 2-cent George Washingtons. There were about 15- or
16-hundred of them in this box and so I asked the gentleman how much they were, and he
said $7.50." :10
One day after he retired, he took out the box and went through it, and one caught his eye
as a rarity.
#10: "It happens to be from a private perforation company called Schermack, who would buy
stamps from the government, cut them into long strips and glue them together, and when they
got about 3,000 in a row, they'd put them in their private vending machine." :14
Only 40 of them are known to still exist.
He sent it off for authentication; the company said it was a common variety, only worth
about a quarter. Denny didn't agree.
#6: "I had been studying that particular stamp for 30 years. See, there's 9 different types
of the 2-cent Reds, and 234 color varieties of red."
He sent it to ANOTHER authenticator...who eventually said, yes, it's the rare one...
cataloguing for about 50-thousand dollars.
So Denny put it in an auction.
#3: "They sold it for $95,000." :03
It's not just the money, he says.
#7: "The fact that I was vindicated, that I stuck to my guns, and said 'No, these experts
are wrong, they made a mistake this time.'" :07
It's nice to be right.
I'm Lloyd de Vries of The Virtual Stamp Club. For more on stamps and stamp collecting,
visit virtual-stamp-club-dot-com.
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