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Good-bye, Janet.
The Stamp Collecting Report, I'm Lloyd de Vries.
One of the most popular staffers at the American Philatelic Society — the biggest stamp
collecting organization in the U-S — is about to retire. Janet Houser is a real jack of
all trades in the education programs.
"I do the On The Road courses, I do the stamp albums that you find "freebies" at our
website, and right now I have been working at transcribing the slide programs into D-V-D's."
RUNS :15
She laughs because most of the programs are still in photographic slides.
Janet has been with the A-P-S for 28 years, but is probably best known for her work with
youth programs.
"I started the Young Stamp Collectors of America, which now has over 400 members."
RUNS :06
But she also works with adults, such as those On The Road courses that are held in different
parts of the country.
"Last year I managed to have more than 150 students in 10 classes across the country."
RUNS :07
Like many A-P-S staffers, Janet was not a collector when she was first hired, but is now.
"I collect deer on stamps, I collecting cows on stamps and I also do Haitian stamps and
the Island of Maldives." RUNS :10
And even though she won't be an employee, Janet plans to keep producing as a volunteer
those free albums that can be downloaded at stamps-dot-org.
I’m Lloyd de Vries of The Virtual Stamp Club. For more on stamps and stamp collecting,
visit virtual-stamp-club-dot-com.
I'm Lloyd de Vries of The Virtual Stamp Club. For more on stamps and stamp collecting, visit virtual-stamp-club-dot-com.
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