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Tis the Season

The Stamp Collecting Report, I'm Lloyd de Vries. 

This is the weekend we're supposed to count our blessings and give thanks, but let's face 
it: Everyone's starting to think about gift-giving.

If there's a stamp collector on your list, it's TOUGH to choose a hobby-related gift, 
something he or she wants and doesn't already have.

But here are some not-too-expensive suggestions that should please nearly everyone.

The American Philatelic Society, the national umbrella group for stamp collecting, has a 
new book on early air-mail flights. It also offers a stamp collecting kit for kids. Visit 

The Linn's Stamp Yearbook has all sorts of behind-the-scenes stories about U-S stamps. 
<Two Thousand Six is the latest one.> You can buy it at amos-advantage-dot-com.

Almost every collector can use a stockbook. They range from looseleaf pages to a bound 
book. Subway-stamp-dot-com has a wide variety.

Or a gift certificate may be the answer. Stamp-selling site Stamps-to-go-dot-com -- that's 
the number 2 -- offers them.

I'm Lloyd de Vries of The Virtual Stamp Club. For more about stamps and stamp collecting, 
visit virtual-stamp-club-dot-com

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